Progress in Medical Sciences. 2023;
Study Prostatic Gland Size Using Ultrasound in Khartoum State August 2022
Maha Esmeal Ahmed Esmeal and Rehab Hussien Alkhier Hussien*
This is a descriptive study, carried out in order to know the normal measurements (volume and diameters) of
prostate gland in Khartoum State. The study was done in Khartoum teaching hospitals from April-to August
2022. About 92 patients were randomly selected, their age from 18 years and above, there are not any
symptoms related to prostate pathologies. Trans- abdominal ultrasound scanning by 3.5 MHz probes was
performed, and the maximum height, width, and depth of their prostate diameters were obtained, as well as
them. prostate volumes the results of this study found AP and longitudinal diameters mean values were (3.52)
cm, (2.73) cm, and (2.98) cm respectively, the mean prostate volume obtained from the parameters was
15.28± 4.7ml. The study was concluded, there was increased in the prostate volume in relation to increase in
the patient's age, weight, and body mass indexes by 0.09 ml/year,, and 0.3 ml/kg/m2 respectively
Moreover the study reveals that the normal prostate has mid-grey level echogenicity, and homogeneous in.